PatrickStarrr x MAC Me So Fleeky

PatrickStarrr has done it again! The second installment of his collaboration with MAC Cosmetics debuted on April 19, 2018 and I finally was able to get my hands on it. The MAC store here in Shreveport was sold out the first day, so I gave it a while for the hype to die down before I went back.

The crazy thing was I didn't know that the both collections of the collaboration were being sold together. I was shocked af to find that I could purchase the blush duo, 4 pan eyeshadow palette, lipstick and gloss for only $49.50, and EVERYTHING is full size! I had to get both.

I'll break these collections down individually, so stay tuned for the next part. Today, you'll see the Me So Fleeky collection.

Me So Fleeky

Both collections are the perfect personification of spring: beautiful floral colors, pinks, purples, blues and nudes. All so pretty! Everything is WOC friendly and that's what I love most about the collections. PatrickStarrr did well!

Take Me Home Powder Blush Duo

This mauve-y neutral blush has become one of my favorite blushes for the spring. I don't usually wear blush but this gives me the perfect blush with a slight highlight.

Play With Me Eyeshadow x 4

My lifestyle doesn't allow me much time to wear eyeshadow. My mornings consist of waking at 7am, dropping the boys off. I'm usually home by 8ish and I drink my coffee. By the time I start getting ready for work, it's 8:15 and a full face of makeup just isn't happening. So you see how I don't really have time for eyes beyond winged liner. This cute 4 pan palette reminds of a beautiful bouquet of orchids colored to perfection.

Queen P Lipglass

I've never been into glosses because I felt like it made me look like the early 90s, french kissing chicken grease but as of lately, I've been really into them. I've been wearing this with a brown lip liner, (because brown lip liner is life) and it, to me, gives me a better look, as opposed to if I were to wear it alone.

Hey, Boy Hey! Retro Matte Lipstick

Pinks and mauves are one of my favorites to wear during the spring months. True to MAC mattes, though, it exposes every little crack on your lips so moisturizing before wearing should give you a smoother canvas.

Were you able to get your hands on this collab? Let me know which collection you chose by commenting below. Part 2 of this collab will be up soon so be on the look out for that. If you're not subscribed, then what you doing? Also, be sure to follow me on all social media. I'd love your support! Until next time...

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