Goal Digger: March
Hello March! It's such an exciting time to be alive! We've left the month of Black Excellence and have strutted into the month of Women's Excellence. The fact that I'm black and a woman is freaking awesome. I feel like I have a super power that no one else in the world has. I mean, I know I'm not the only black woman but I can say it's pretty awesome to be a black woman.

Last month, I set absolutely no goals for myself and for that, I am ashamed. To hold myself accountable for achieving my goals, I'll be posting my goals month to month so that you can see my growth also.Â
This month, I want to see the same results I saw the first month of launching my site. I know I don't have any control over site views, shares and comments, but I do have control over the quality of content I post. You'll definitely be seeing more consistency from me this month.Â
I'd also like continue to build my social media presence. Again, I can't control follows and likes, but I will be posting more quality content on Instagram and Twitter. Â

On a more personal level, I've been wanting to lose weight. I NEED to lose weight. Currently I am 224lbs. I would like to lose 10 pounds in the month of March. I have complete control over what I put in my body. I've given up meat, well land animals. I've been tearing up some seafood though. I will definitely be more aware.Â

Water intake is another thing I will be focusing on. My entire family needs more water in our diets. The boys especially. Water is essential for your body's function. You probably knew that already. My goal for water intake is 64 ounces a day.Â

Lastly, I watch way too much tv. Netflix and Hulu are my guilty pleasures. I will get fully engulfed into a show and before I know it, the day will have been wasted. I plan to watch less tv and read more. I've also gotten into a lot more podcasts. Hopefully, it will help me be a lot more focused with less digital distractions. Believe it or not, I was a part of the generation that grew up without tablets, iPhones, laptops, and Wi-Fi. I got my first cell phone when I was 15 years old. We didn't even have apps and texting. Imagine that!Â

If you'd like to follow my goal digging journey, I'll be posting my progress all month on Instagram (@phoenixbeauty101) and Twitter (phoenixbeauty10) What are your goals for the month of March? What do you plan to accomplish? How do you plan to achieve it? I want to know!Â