Currently Binging: June
I started the Currently Binging series in May when I became infatuated with podcasts. I decided to combine everything I've been obsessed with this month into one, it saves us more time, I promise. I've had so much going on recently and I'm just getting a chance to post, my apologies.
NWP Podcast on Soundcloud

NWP Podcast is a cast of guys from Detroit, Michigan. They touch on topics that are relevant in today's world, with a male's perspective of course. It took me a while to learn each guy's personalities because they were all over the place at first. JG, to me, seems to be the ring leader of the group. Dave, is that one guy that knows a little bit of something about everything. Brandon, is very random, but to me, is the funniest because of that. Kev, is the most opinionated but can back up everything he challenges. His wise words at the end of the show are very inspiring to me. I started this podcast from episode 1 so it's taking some catching up to get to current episodes but I do listen to them when they release every week. They are seriously funny and can get very passionate about certain subjects. I would recommend this podcast to everyone. They can be found on Soundcloud, Spotify, and iTunes.
Syre by Jaden Smith

Jaden Smith is the son of mega stars, Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith. Will Smith is known to be a triple threat: actor, producer, rapper. His unconventional approach to rap music proved that you can make a great rap song without cursing. He succeeded in that aspect. Jaden on the other hand, took the more traditional approach to rap music. Not to say that every other word is an "F" bomb or anything, but he's got a few of them in this album. His album, SYRE, took me about 2 weeks to analyze. It's brilliant! He's definitely got some club anthems, like Icon and Watch Me, but I get caught up in the storyline of Syre. That's why it took me so long to interpret the album because the storyline is so complex that I had to listen to it closely to make sure I wasn't missing anything. Overall, Syre not only represents himself, but a few other metaphoric meanings. You'd be reading a thesis if I wrote everything though. The storyline is so incredibly complex for Jaden to be as young as he is. The album is simply, BRILLIANT!
Coco *Spoilers Included*

I'm a sucker for a good Disney movie. When this one debuted last year, I was skeptical if it were going to be good because at first glance, it's about death. Disney Pixar is the G.O.A.T because they have the best movies. The first time I watched it, I was confused as to why it was named after the character that has like 5 lines in the entire movie. As I watched a few more times, it made more sense. Though the movie is named after the great-grand mother, the sequence of events that followed after her father walked out on their family to follow is dreams are because her mother simply wanted to provide for them. My favorite character in the entire movie of course, is Miguel. He was so brave to stand up to his family and let them know that he was a musician, even though music was banded from their family. He, as Ernesto de la Cruz said, "Seized his moment." This movie even won a few Oscars back in February, which speaks volumes. The cast was made up of an all Hispanic cast. Simply amazing!
Tell me some things you're binging on. I may even give them a listen or a watch. Comment down below on what you're listening to or watching. As always, I appreciate every read, every subbie, every like, ALL of it!!! You guys are the greatest! Until next time...