August Rewind
Here we are, yet again, at the of another month. My goodness! We're almost ready for 2019. This month was a big one for my family and I. Everyone started new journeys and all of my babies are growing up. I won't lie to you and say I haven't cried a few times this month. The boys amaze me day by day and even my adopted daughters are on their own paths to self discovery. It's been a crazy month for sure.

8.1.18 Splash Kingdom
We ended our summer with going to the water park. Splash Kingdom, formerly known as water town for my Shreveport natives, has been a staple in our community for as long as I can remember. I can recall going during the summer when I was younger so why not give my children some of the same childhood experiences that I received. Tre is a seasoned swimmer but Benjamin is not so it took a little while to get use to being in water where he couldn't feel the floor. We stayed until closing time and Benjamin still wasn't ready to go. He wanted to spend the night but I had to explain to him that's not how it worked.

8.4.18 The boys went to NOLA
We traveled to Lafayette, Louisiana to meet their paternal grandmother so they could spend a week with her before school started for both boys. She always spoils them when their with her so naturally Benjamin wasn't ready to come home. Tre stayed with her an additional week because their dad would then fly into New Orleans to get him so that he could head back to Columbus, Ohio for school. The summer went by way too fast. To think, he just came home on June 3rd and now he's already back home.
8.9.18 HHS Summer Showcase Madisyn Leading Lady
The Huntington High School Marching Band concluded it's summer band camp with an end of the summer showcase to display what students have learned during camp. I was asked to attend by none other than Boss Babe, Madisyn Parson. She earned the position of Leading Lady of the HHS Silver Treasures Danceline. It's very well deserved and I'm beyond proud of her.

8.10.18 I started school
It's been a long time coming for this one. I've always said that I'd never go back to school, especially with me getting older. Guess what, I started school and I'm majoring in Photography. All of my classes are specifically chosen to help me with perfecting my craft here at I'm excited and I can't wait to show you guys what I've learned.

8.15.18 Ben's 1st day of Kindergarten
My little honey bee started big boy school today!!! I can't believe he's in Kindergarten. Where has time gone? Seriously! He's even riding the bus like a big boy! UGH!!! Stop growing up.

8.23.18 Tre's 1st day of 6th grade
I honestly can't believe that I have a child in middle school. WTF!?!? I can remember him starting head start and now he's a freaking 6th grader. Pray for me yall!

8.31.18 Madisyn's First Football Game
So of course I couldn't let her first game as Leading Lady go by and not support her. Besides, she said she would block and disown me if I didn't. Although I couldn't stay the entire game, I was still able to get some good actions shots of her. She's a natural born leader so I'm not surprised that her team was very cohesive. Looking forward to attending a few more games this season.