Goal Digger: November
New month, new goals! Welcome to November, which just so happens to be my favorite month for 3 reasons. Of course you know that your favorite blog turned 1 on November 1st, Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday because, I'm a little fattie, and finally, ITS MY BIRTHDAY MONTH BIH!!!!
As stated in a previous post, New Harvest, I'll be using my birthday to renew all my resolutions, instead of the traditional New Years Resolution. It makes more sense that way because it's literally the start of YOUR new year on earth and it forces us to start over on our own time, instead of starting over with everyone else at the start of the new year. If you've read the post, you'd see that this concept was inspired by Miche' of Millennial Lov3, my current fav podcast. The way I look at it though, we should be evaluating our goals and aspirations at least once every 3 or 4 months anyways to make sure we're still in tune with a key player, SELF!

What's in store for November?
Since November is the biggest food month for most people, you'd think it'd be crazy to try to eat health, right? WRONG! If you're true to your weight loss and fitness goals, you'll be able to get through this most trying time when food is at an all time high! Don't let that mac n' cheese tempt you sis, IJS. With that being said, I'll be serious, like SERIOUS, SERIOUS about eating right and working out. I started to type an excuse but honestly, there are n excuses. Here is a list of my other goals for the month of November.
1. Eat right
2. More water
3. Monetize my blog
5. More photography
6. Continue growing my social media presence
7. Read more
I'd like to be more interactive with my subscribers also, but I won't list that as a goal, as I should be doing so anyways. Show of hands...who's joining me on this month's goal digging exploration? Hit the heart icon below if you plan on helping me on some of these goals. I'd also like to know what your goals are this month. Let me know below. I look forward to growing along side you. Don't forget to enter the Phoenix Beauty 101 Birthday give-a-way. Rules can be found on the Phoenix Beauty Birthday post. Good luck to everyone entering. Until next time...