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Goal Digger: May 2020

Is it just me, or did April get tf out of here? I closed my eyes and it was May, like DAMN!!! Either way I hope you were able to accomplish your goals for the month May. How did my goal getting go? Well, I was able to get my website edited, as you can see. I haven't just been sitting in the bed binge watching shows on Netflix, although Money Heist was the best show of the month of April for me. I got up did things!

In this new lifestyle of being in quarantine, it's hard to get up and be productive, especially if you can't work from home, like myself. The month of April, I immersed a little deeper into teacher hacks they use for their students, as I am one of millions of parents that have been thrust into home schooling. I was able to clean and organize more, even though my children mess up everything right behind me. I was even able to get back to working out...a little. April was a productive month for me.

With the state of Texas potentially opening back up soon, I'm excited but apprehensive to get back to the spa, though. I miss my clients, and I know their skin is missing me too. Until then, I plan to accomplish more this month, but also focus on maintaining the things I set out to do in April.


I entered quarantine a little later than the rest of you, so the last part of March is when I sat around and snacked. I'm ashamed to say that the majority of my trash contents were snack wrappers. I plan to get up and GET OUT! My neighborhood is really big. I've walked it quite a few times. So I plan to be way more active this month. I may just post my journey on IG stories for accountability. More activity and less snacking...who else is guilty?


I've been maintaining my mental health with prayer and meditation. I'll continue that this month. Also, making sure I continue my yoga journey is a MUST!


I was granted the opportunity to be the official brand photographer for Savoy Beauty, and that means creating mood boards, location scouting and of course photo shoots. I'll continue that trend this month, especially with me having anther shoot with her very soon. I'll also continue writing everyday and web designing.


I don't believe I announced this, but I was hired as lead esthetician at my new job here in Dallas, TX. I've been a LE before, but it's different this time because I'm given the chance to become a Master Esthetician in the brands Clarity Rx and Dermalogica. If I master the two of them, then I'll be considered as an ELITE Esthetician! I'm so excited to complete these programs so that I can become ELITE!!!

Welp! That sums up everything I'll be shooting for in the month of May! Let me know below what you plan to accomplish this month and drop a word of encouragement for the other beauties and beaus that check in on this post. Let's make the best of this hard time and be great together. Until next time...

1 Comment

May 13, 2020

Really nice read! I look forward to catching up on all reads!! New subscriber here! Keep up the great work sis 🥰


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Phoenix Beauty 101 started as my name in my faux business plan when I was in cosmetology school. I needed a name to finish my project to graduate. It stuck! Fast forward and its been my social media persona since 2011...

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