Phoenix Beauty 101: Season 2
Phoenix Beauty 101 is officially 2 years old! Wow! How long this road has been. In 2017, I embarked on what I thought was going to be a website dedicated to my love of all things beauty, fashion, and skin...and to an extent, it has been. What slowly began as "just another beauty blog," has become my story, an ode to my self discovery and a way to heal from past traumas. In doing so, I've started to take more time out for myself and realize what makes me tick.

I'm happy to say that on this anniversary of launching Phoenix Beauty 101, I'm back more inspired, and ready to give you ALL the topics that you didn't get over the past year. That means all your favorite series' are back in full effect including skin series, currently coveting, and BOSS BABES.
In 2019 I learned that self-care is the best care, snuggles from your kids are the cure to anything, and taking a leap can be the thing to get you back on track. I suffered a big blow at the start of 2019 and so the entire year has been dedicated to getting back to the swing of me. I've learned so much about myself and I'm excited to share the "real" me with you all.

As always, thank you for rocking with me. This website is truly my baby and I'm just grateful there's someone out there that cares about what I have to say. If you haven't subscribed, go ahead and do so because I've got some exciting things coming for the 2020 season! Starting today, I'll be launching 7 Days of Phoenix Beauty...101. That's right! 7 whole days of beauty from me. Subscribe so you don't miss out on that! In the meantime, drop some gratitude in the comments below. What's been going on in your life that you're absolutely grateful for? Let's chat. Until next time.