What Inspires You?
What Inspires You? When you think about the life you want to build for yourself, your children, how does that look? Over the last few months, I've been giving my life a serious look through and I've come to the conclusion that though I am a mother, I've only done just enough to get by because that's what I thought I was supposed to do. Support my children, pay my bills, and only spend money on the things that we needed.
"Somewhere along the way, I forgot to pursue my dreams and now I'm a mom...its just too late for me."
--Lilly Aldrin Ericsen, How I Met Your Mother
I started to convince myself that I wasn't worthy of my wildest dreams. I became depressed (not diagnosed), I went inside myself and closed a lot of people out. Those close to me were the only people I allowed inside of my world and I became cold. So cold that a guy I was dating, at the time, told me that he didn't appreciate my robotic behavior. I was lost.
Mid 2017 is when I started to go over the events of my life. Over the last five years, I've wasted money on frivolous things, never worrying about saving. I've wasted time on things I should've never had time for. People, places, things...wow did I really just define a noun lol...But I did! Time is something we can NEVER get back. I decided to stop living like that. The time I spend now means something. I'm not perfect with my finances but I'm improving. The inspiration and drive for what I do now is the want to give my children and my mother a better life. The are my rock! Everything I do from now on is for the three of them.
My children mean EVERYTHING to me and I just want to be able to give them the best of everything life has to offer. I want to be able to show my boys the world. We'll go on better vacations. We'll see the world like it was meant to be seen: free, happy and with each other.
So I ask you, what inspires you? Maybe its your family, money, popularity. I would love to hear how this translates to you. Let me know what inspires you in the comments below. Until next time..
"I promise you, your best and your most exciting days are all ahead of you."
-- Marshall Ericsen, How I Met Your Mother