Goal Digger: April
It's a new month which means another chance to renew those goals. Last month was the first time that I was consistent in keeping my goals in check. I'm not much of a planner so adjusting to keeping a schedule, especially where my blog is concerned is taking some getting use to.
March was such a busy month for me. My youngest son turned 2, the Lenten season was in full effect, and my best friend's bridal shower and bachelorette party on the same day. Every week was something different. With all that going on, I think I did a below average job at keeping up, but I'll let you be the judge. Lets take a look at the goals I set in March and how I did with the goals I set.

Goal Digger: March in Review
My goal for more content, quality and quantity, increased by 4. I posted 69 pictures on Instagram in the month of March versus 65 in February. As far as quality, I can better. There's always room for improvement.
I aimed lose 10 lbs. this month. I cut meat out of my diet and even through that, I managed to gain 4 lbs. My current weight is now back up to 230 lbs. Where did I go wrong? Though I cut meat out of my diet, I balanced my lack of meat with bread. Why TF did I do that? SMH!!! I'm going to continue this trend but I know to cut out bread also.
The one goal I did manage to stay on track with was my water intake. I averaged about 50 oz. of water per day. Not quite 64oz. but its better than none.
Netflix is my guilty pleasure. I honestly don't have a need to watch television because all I watch is Netflix. I didn't track how much I watched but I can honestly say that I watched less in March. I'll have to come up with a way to track it for April so that you guys can see my progress and know that I'm doing right.
In conclusion for March, I bombed, TERRIBLY! The only goals I somewhat met was my water intake and content in quantity. Its a process though, one that I will continue to travel.
What's in store for April?
The goals that I didn't meet in March will carry over into April so that I don't get lazy or sloppy.
One thing I set out to do for 2018 is to have an official office space. Somewhere I can go to let my creative juices flow. A place I can go to work and not just sit in my bed on my laptop. To have an actual space to take photos and record, once I get my equipment. The problem is...I haven't started to clean the space that I plan on turning into the official Phoenix Beauty 101 office. My goal for the month of April is to spring clean so that I can make my dream office/studio come to life.

I aim to spend less money on frivolous things this month. I spend so much money on food, makeup and clothing that its ridiculous. I'll come up with a tracker so you can see how much money I'm [not] spending.

Lastly, I want to sign up for a gym membership and a personal trainer. I've never been one to work out at a gym because I've always coached (flag and baton) and was always active. In addition to switching up my eating habits, I plan to work out, like really get serious about losing weight.

There we have it!!! My manifesto for the month of April. As always, I'll be posting my progress on my Instagram page, which is conveniently posted at the bottom of this page...Your Welcome! Let me know how you plan to conquer April down below. Until next time lovelies...