What To Look For When Waxing!
First time wax clients are normally freaked out by horror stories they've heard from other people that get paid to tell bogus all stories via YouTube in the name of gaining like and follows. Stories of extreme pain and super hot wax are honestly enough to scare the least anxious person in the world out of getting waxed.
You have to be realistic going into a wax of any kind, though. Even with lip and brow waxes you have some sort of discomfort. Brazilian waxes, however, takes gumption. The one thing I always tell my clients, and those inquiring about the service, is "You're getting hair ripped from your crotch, it's not comfortable, but it doesn't hurt." If you go into your service with that in mind, your mind will be more at ease.

So what should you look for when going for a Brazilian wax? From cleanliness to implements, I'm going to cover the Do's and Don'ts of waxing, from the book of Phoenix (me!), and hopefully it'll give you a little more insight and courage to get your Va-jay-jay waxed! Let's get started.
Upon booking your service, I know you may be anxious and have a billion questions for the receptionist, but the easiest way to get your questions answered is to ask to speak directly with an esthetician, or the person that will be your technician. Knowing the important questions to ask will help to ease your mind so if it's your first time, these are important questions to ask:
1. How experienced is (the technician) in Brazilian waxing? I personally do not get offended by this question and I've been in the game going on 7 years now, so they shouldn't be either.
2. How long should the hair be before booking the service? Ideally, hair should be at least half and inch long -OR- grown out for at least 2 weeks.
3. Do you flick or tab? Flicking is when the technician lays down a strip of hard wax (the thicker one) and flicks it up to strip it off. Tabbing is when the technician creates a tab to lay on the edge of the strip to pull it off. This is important because one is more comfortable than the other.
Getting Started...
I like to preset my wax sticks and strips so that they're easier to grab once I begin the waxing service. For sanitary reasons I lay out a medium length towel or wax paper, whichever is available to me, to put my wax supplies on so they aren't touching the table.
The tweezers I use in service are slanted tweezers and needle nose tweezers. Slanted tweezers are better for gripping tiny, fine hairs and needle nose tweezers are better for ingrown hairs. I also use disposable mascara wands to comb through hairs to check for growth cycles and to see if I need to trim before getting started. Lastly, I use a pair of stainless steel trimmers with a rounded tip, so you don't get poked. They are best for trimming in your sensitive areas. Gloves are self-explanatory.

I like to have my guests use unscented baby wipes "down there" before getting started. It just helps to freshen up. I understand that as women, we have busy lives. Sometimes, we can't always come straight from the shower to a wax so it helps for those moments. Once I have my guest on the table, I use an antiseptic lotion to kill bacteria and cleanse the skin in the area. I usually keep witch hazel, and baby powder on hand also. Baby powder will help to absorb any moisture and make it easier for wax to adhere to hair and not skin.
I understand how difficult it can be to go in for a Brazilian wax, especially if it's your first time, so I start my waxes the same way EVERY TIME. I wax in the shape of a french bikini, just in case the sensation is too intense. In my head, that makes more sense because you'll have a definite shape instead of patches missing from the side and top. Once I have the pelvic area done, I move on to the labia majoria and labia minora (or as they are so eloquently known as, the lips). When waxing, that area WILL definitely be more sensitive because there are more nerve endings there. Don't worry though, if your esthetician is experienced enough, they'll move so fast that you won't have time to process the pain. If it is, however, too intense for you, ask your esthetician to give you a moment. After that, the least sensitive part is waxed, your butt! Contrary to what people believe, your butthole (anus) is not what's being waxed. Some people do, in fact, grow hair from their butt crack. It should only take a maximum of 4 to 6 strips.
I like to use a depilatory oil after my waxing services. My favorite is Cirepil by Perron Rigot. It gently removes wax residue from the skin and leaves it silky and smooth. I also give the area another wipe down with the antiseptic lotion and finally some aloe vera to soothe.

At Home Care
If the wax bar or spa you received your wax has retail, whatever product they offer, you should purchase, if not, they can recommend some at home care for you to purchase elsewhere. You should also make sure that you continue to exfoliate the area but not for at lease 48 hours afterwards. You want to give your skin time to regenerate and heal. Exfoliating the area will keep unwanted ingrown hair away. If you have a body scrub, that should do fine. If you find that a body scrub is too abrasive, a fine bristled body brush should do the trick. I'm not trying to have your va-jay-jay all scratched and scarred.
I hope this has been a great help. In this industry, I see so many different techniques being used in the name of being a "Speed Waxer," but if your esthetician is proficient in waxing, they will know how to wax quickly without sacrificing their guests comfort. Have you ever gotten a Brazilian wax? How was your experience? I want to hear from you. This was a fun topic for me to talk about because this is what I do on the daily. Let me know what other topics you want to see here on phoenixbeauty101.com. Also, stay tuned, because I've got some exciting things coming up for my 1 year anniversary in November! Until next time...