Goal Digger: June

*Cues Will Smith's "Summertime"* We're digging for goals all year baby!!! How are you coming along with yours? I find consistency to be one of my biggest enemy. I still struggle with organization and consistency but I'm also a work in progress. As long as I don't give up, I'll be just fine. But really, who else is reading this with Summertime playing in their heads? Just me???

Can you believe its June already? I remember starting my first goal digger and bombing terribly. I'm happy that I started these though, because it's nice to go back and see my progress. Holding myself has been one of my biggest self checks thus far. Thank you for continuing to support me and encourage me. Now that I've got that out of the way, let's have a quick recap of how I accomplished the month of May.

May in Review

Most of the goals I set for May were very minor but still things that I struggle with. I stated in another post that I was more busy than usual this month. My off days were not my off days this month. For that reason, I wasn't able to apply for my passport, but I HAVE to get it done within in the next few weeks so that I can get it back on time.

Cooking more is definitely dead!!! I don't think I cooked at all this month, which is just sad. I went to brunch a lot, like A LOT! I spend so much money on food, and not the good way.

Working out and eating right took a back seat this month. Ugh!!!! I feel so bloated. I also didn't drink as much water as I should have. I'm so disappointed in myself. I'm afraid to do my monthly weight check.

I did manage to get my financial aid done. I'm officially a student you guys! I'm so excited! I will be majoring in Photography. Everything included in my program will help me in perfect my content and craft of being a full time blogger.

I attempted to shoot my first video for my YouTube channel and once I imported the files to my laptop to edit them, I came to find out that they were only three 2 minute clips. I was so mad and I cried a little too but after I wiped those tears away, I got myself together. I'll have to film them again.

What's in store for June

Of course, all goals not met in May will roll over with the others from previous months. I definitely NEED to stop spending so much damn money on eating out. I NEED TO COOK!!!!!

I read a post on Twitter on May 15, 2018, that really got me thinking about this month's goals. I've put a lot of thought into setting these goals this month. I was told that you have to be strategic when setting goals. If your goals aren't truly challenging, you may need to raise your standard.

I plan on saving $500 into my saving's account. I spend more money than I save and that's not a great thing. I plan on building my saving's account to the point of not needing to touch it. Plus I have a cruise coming up in a few months and I need to have some money to spend on the trip.

I need to write more so that I don't get behind on posts. So this month, I plan to write at least 5 out 7 days. I have so many different content ideas this month and I believe if I can stay consistent and stick to it, I can get all of my ideas on screen.

My oldest son will be home in a few short days so I plan on taking more time out of my time to do things with the boys this summer. Every time Tre' comes home, I'm always so engulfed in my work. Even when he was home for the holidays, I had just launched this blog so I was forever in my laptop. I plan to go on some adventures this summer and who knows, you may just see some of our adventures in July.

Lastly, I need to focus on my mental health. Not that I have any issues, but just making sure I focus on myself. Taking the time to check myself. I'm also going to post my self care routine this month. Stay tuned...

My goals this month are very personal, as far as me being a better person. I want to be a better mother, a better and more consistent worker, and a better blogger. This is my manifesto for the month of June. What are your goals for June? I'd love to hear from you. Thank you for the continued support. Be sure to subscribe. Until next time...

