Planning For 2020

When you envision 2020, how does it look for you? Are you starting a business? Maybe you're stepping out on faith and starting that podcast that you've been thinking about. Whether it's a new beginning, or continuing something you started in 2019, knowing how you will get to the finish line will take plenty of planning, lots of determination, and some good, old fashioned kick ass to get you there.

To be fair, this topic was inspired by my good sis, Ashley Legs of Slay Girl, Slay Podcast. On October 14, 2019, she released an episode by the name of Preparing for 2020: Reflect. In the episode, she listed a set of questions to ask yourself to prepare for 2020. This post is dedicated to those questions. I listened to the episode a few times to assure I got all the questions down. Let's jump in...

Preparing for 2020: Reflection

Where were you this time last year?

Mentally (then) Confused. I remember being lost in my relationship but still being "business as usual" with him. He was distant and I was respectful of his space. When we broke up I wasn't surprised at all. I was relieved to be honest, but I so would find out that I wasn't ready. (Now) Determined! I'm in a different city, single, and above all, I'm FOCUSED!

Physically (then) I was smaller last year but insecure. My physical journey has been tough. I have jolts of energy to lose the weight and then fall off. I aspire to have the discipline that Airee Smith (@aireerenee). Her eating and work out habits are #GOALS (Now) Struggling. I'm about 40 lbs heavier than last year but it's motivated me even more to be good to my body.

Spiritually (then) Lost. Growing up Catholic, I've never quite understood what it was to be close to God. I've skated by on my mother's prayers. It was this year that I ventured out to find what spirituality means to me. I started by watching videos in January from Transformation Church, led by Pastors Michael and Natalie Todd, in Tulsa, OK and it has completely changed the way I pray. (Now) Strong! Keeping myself rooted in Christ has been a journey this year and I don't have any plans of slowing down.

What are you grateful for?

My family has taken such great care of me in times where I didn't think I could take care of myself.

My children have been my anchors and the reason I do EVERYTHING!

Growth! I am nowhere near the woman I use to be and I'm so happy she's gone.

What goals did you accomplish this year?

I finished my first full year of college since 2006, with a 4.0 grade point average to be exact. Going back to school was so challenging, especially with everything I had going on in my life. Learning how to balance life, work, and a regular home life took a lot of work, but I succeeded. I'm happy I was able to show my children that their mother is able to do it all and still have great grades.

I competed at Skills USA in 2 categories and brought home the Gold in the educational bulletin board competition. Though I didn't place in the photography competition, I still received some amazing feedback on my art. I was also able to show my art in an art show at my school later that month. It was gratifying to get feedback from an actual art exhibit owner.

I took a leap of faith and FINALLY moved to Dallas, Texas. For anyone that knows me, it's been a long time coming. It's been a goal of mine for several years to relocate to a different state, and though things haven't quite gone the way I've planned since I've been here, I'm fully ready to crush it here in 2020.

What did you NOT accomplish this year?

Instead of making excuses for why I didn't achieve these goals, I'll just list them instead.

Become an esthetic educator

Save $5000

Get serious about my health

Monetize my blog

Be consistent with my blog

Identify as a blogger/photographer/educator

What habits did you pick up?



Healthy communication

Spending time with my children

What habits will you leave in 2019?

Self-doubt is one of those things that just happens, but with meditation and daily affirmations, I'll be speaking more life into the things that I do.

If you could describe 2019 as a movie, what would it be?

Diary of A Mad Black Woman...minus the whole domestic abuse thing, but I was definitely angry at the world this year. I found a reason to hate everything and everyone, even myself. I'm still in the rebuilding process...

There you have it! My reflection of 2019. It's safe to say that 2019 was easily one of the toughest years of my life. My mental health took a ride on the struggle bus this year. I've never cried as much as I did this year, but if there's one thing that I've learned this year, I would say that it's important to say how you feel.

Thank you so much to Ashley Leggs for inspiring this topic. I encourage everyone to give her podcast a listen (you can find the link above) and maybe you can do this exercise yourself to see what you need to work on for 2020. Let me know below how what some of your goals are, or you can answer one of the questions from her list. Until next time...
