Spring Ahead!
With the time adjustment, its no secret that we all feel a bit more sluggish this time of year. Honestly speaking, I feel that as a fully functioning adult, I should be able to opt out of my hour being taken during the spring and summer months. I'm just saying, I'd prefer my hour overnight.
It's on been a couple weeks and I feel more behind and less energized. There's got to be a way to get that spark back to continue to be the Boss Babe we were created to be. Let's explore a few things we can do to start our days off on a good foot and shake some of this fatigue.
Stretching before getting your day started not only helps loosen up your body, but it also helps to strengthen the spirit. What do you think yoga is??? If you're not use to it, you'll be a little sore at first, but keep at it. It'll go away.

Spring Cleaning
When in doubt, throw it out! Did you know that physical clutter can directly affect your mood? It can bring down, make you sluggish and also depress you. Getting rid of it not only gives your physical space a better look and feel but it'll make you feel lighter and clear your head. Physical clutter can be anything that occupies a space in your home, car or work area.
Re-evaluate Your Goals
We should all take a note from Mother Nature. She takes plants and flowers that have been dormant all fall/winter and brings new life to them. Spring is the time for renewal, so it makes sense that we renew ourselves. Take the time to check in on those resolutions made in January. Besides as adults, wee should be doing this quarterly!

Schedule More
If your'e anything like me, you know, full-time mother and blogger, you feel as though there's never enough hours in the day. Scheduling even the smallest things will help you to stay on task and you'll never lose focus. Now , if I can only take my own advice, that'd be great!
Drink More Water
Ok, ok! I know what you're thinking, "How is drinking water going to help me kick this sluggish feeling?" By drinking more water, you're flushing toxins out of your system and less toxins mean more energy. Plus if weight loss was one of you new years resolutions, it'll help to jump start that summer body.
Sleep More
How do I get more sleep when we've clearly lost an hour overnight? Well, utilizing the one thing we hated as children can be a great way to get more sleep during the spring and summer months. That's right! I'm talking about a good, old fashion, NAP TIME! Reclaim your time sis!

These tips should help to give you a bit of energy and overall, help you maximize your day so that you do more! Let me know how and what you're doing to shake the spring time blues. Can't wait to hear from you. Until next time...