My Back To School Essentials
If you're like me, you'll be heading back to school, or have already. This is my first time in school since I graduated from cosmetology school in 2012. That's a long time to not know what you need for school, especially since college doesn't give you a definitive school supply list. The one thing I can say that I can not survive without, even if I weren't in school is a decent planner and colored pens.
I'm obsessed with planners. I buy them in different forms, colors, and themes. I currently have a planner for every aspect of my life. Blogging, school, my son's activities, for my mom to keep up with mine and my son's activities and finally for personal use. I know it sounds like a lot but I'm just starting to get organized in life. Don't judge me! I know I'm 30.
It's been proven that taking notes in different colored ink other than black and blue, can help you to retain what you've written. I also take notes on college ruled paper because, for me, I can write more and keep my notes all together. The brand that I use the most are Paper Ink. I always purchase them in bulk around back to school time because they are usually on sale. I also lose pens a lot, but that's neither here nor there.

Planners are my favorite way to keep track of dates. Yes, I know I have a calendar on my phone but I will look at a planner more than I check my phone. I know, it's backwards. I purchase planners everywhere. Target, Charming Charlie, and Office Max are my favorite places to purchase planners because they are normally more than just planners. Charming Charlie has cute themed planners. I usually use them as habit trackers. Target has the biggest (meaning size) planners. I can write notes, keep track of dates, important phone numbers and some them also come with cute stickers to personalize it even more! Office Max is where I go to find desk top planners. I currently have 2 of them around the house. One in my room above my desk and one in my mom's room so she knows what I have coming up.
Of course, for back to school time, you need more than pens and planners. I'm also obsessed with cute notebooks and highlighters. What are your go to back to school items? What can't you live without during the school year? Comment down below and tell me your favs. This school year, let be more focused than ever and I wish a prosperous and successful school year for you all! Until next time...