Being Unapologetic
The last few months have eye opening. I noticed how much of myself I give to everyone else in my life and how little I give to myself. I’ve gone my entire adult life worrying about the opinions of others. As a teen, I wanted so badly to be popular. So, I altered me to be accepted. I’m still learning this lesson, even in my 30s.
Having too many friends can be great, but it can also have adverse effects on your too. In my early 20s, I thought I had a tribe around me. I shortly found out they were not my friends, but the friends on my boyfriend, at the time. I altered myself so much because I wanted so badly to be accepted by a girl that I would later find out, did not have my best interests at heart. She changed me.

The day I changed my perspective on life is when I answered the question, “Who are you not to be yourself?” I decided when I turned 30 that this was a new beginning. I’m living for myself, and my boys of course, and letting anyone determine my mood is a thing of the past. Living as unapologetic as I possibly can.
So, who am I?
Mother. Friend. Daughter. Entrepreneur. Blogger. Fashionista (some days). Peaceful. Happy. Kind. Unemotional, but empathetic. UNAPOLOGETIC!
What word best describes you? Take some time to sit with yourself and let me know in the comments below. Until then…
