It's been such a crazy year, but I'm happy that we made it here! Thank you to all my day ones and also my yesterday riders. All of you mean so much to me. I remember launching last year and panicking because no one was visiting the site and it was because I had forgot to post about my launch. Crazy right?! Well, in the year that I've been blogging, I've gained 670 close friends, and counting. You guys are so great. I'm overwhelmed with all the love and support shown over the last year. Some months were tougher than others, but you stuck it out with me and I'm forever grateful for that!
In the year that we've launched, I turned 30, learned to love my body, got a few coupon codes, went back to school and even fell in love. It's truly been a beautiful year. One of the best years of my life to date. I'm honestly blessed to have entered this time in my life. Last year was the warm-up, this year is for sure the Playoffs.

I can't wait to share with you guys what I have in store for 2019. Everything I've done thus far has prepared me to give you better content, more topics, and more of ME! If I've learned anything in the last year is to be my authentic self. People feed more off topics I'm knowledgeable about like hair, skin, makeup and motivation. You'll definitely be seeing more of that. I'll also start posting more of my photography. Not just my makeup looks but projects that I'm working on in school. You'll see more of the things that I genuinely love. I'll be getting more personal about experiences I've been through so you can get to know the real me.
I have so many things to be thankful for and the main thing is having all of you. Having you backing me has given me confidence like none other. I love the way you guys stan for me. It's filled me with a confidence like you wouldn't believe. You are the reason I've lasted an entire year and I look forward to many more years with you by my side.

With that being said, I have a special treat for you! One lucky subscriber will WIN a super special birthday surprise from me as a token of my appreciation. To keep the mystery of a birthday surprise, I won't announce what it is until November 29th, which is my actual birthday, That means you have 28 days to enter. Contest rules are as followed:
(1) You MUST be subscribed to phoenixbeauty101.com
(2) You MUST follow me on IG @phoenixbeauty101
(3) Tell me your astrological sign in the comments below.
...and that's it! This contest ends on November 28, 2018 and the WINNER will be announced on November 29, 2018 (MY BIRTHDAY). Good luck to everyone entering. I look forward to all of joining my journey and also getting to know you on Instagram. This year is going to be a great one with all of you, and your friends along for the ride! Until next time...
